Last month saw the first ever Scottish Packraft RoundUp. Organised by Andy Toop of Back Country and held at the awesome Inshriach House, it was a quality weekend.

Although the weather wasn’t the best, and the water levels were not great, the weekend was a big success and a big step forward in growing packrafting in the UK. Andy went to great lengths to put everything together and it was a real treat to have such a comprehensive event for what is, at the moment, such a niche movement in the UK.

The Scottish Packraft RoundUp looked a little something like this:

  • Friday evening/night everyone turned up- there was a mix of unique glamping accommodation and regular camping. We had a campfire, some drinks and got to know each other, there was also a hot tub and sauna (which the band subsequently took over in the nude for a couple of hours).

  • On Saturday/Sunday morning there was a river safety course held by Mike at Paddle Active. Mike ran us through self rescue techniques and rescuing your partner. (Photos to follow in another post)
  • On Saturday night the bar filled up and we were treated to hours upon hours of live music from Wire and Wool. Andy had also arranged a BBQ and Bothy Bikes turned up with a pretty unique fatbike which everyone loved!

  • On Saturday/Sunday afternoon Kevin from First Aid Training Co-operative ran a course aimed at situations that packrafters might find themselves in. (Photos to follow in another post)

Among all of this everyone was off doing their own trips, we went for a leisurely float down the River Spey to Aviemore and returned via Loch an Eilein where we coincidently bumped into Andy and Thor and Sarah of Alpacka Raft on the water! (again, photos to follow in another post).

Have a browse of the photos below and if you are thinking about getting into packrafting but are unsure, then come along to next years Scottish Packraft RoundUp and try it out! Even better, try it sooner, Andy will rent you a packraft so you can try it out on a proper adventure before you buy! If you are already sold on the idea but not in a position to part with the cash, consider building your own with our Self-Build Packraft Kit!

All photos are from Nick Kowalski and you can find the full album here should you want to share individual images.

We’d love to have you on board to follow our journey and help grow packrafting in the UK.

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